MHT Photo Shows: BOH @ James Beard House, edible @ Whole Foods

A solo show of the latest "mise en place" edition in my BACK OF THE HOUSE Project is on the walls at the James Beard House, 167 West 12th St (5/6 Aves), Sept - Oct 2009 . Visit here, for more info.

Also, curated a show for Edible Brooklyn / East End / Manhattan (which includes a few of my own works) on the walls of Whole Foods Union Square location, in the 2nd Floor cafe. There will be an opening tea party on Wed. Sept 15th, from 10AM-1130AM. It's free, though you need to RSVP via this link,
It will run until Dec 2009.
To follow, is a solo MHT show from Jan. 2010 - March 2010 (also at Whole Foods).
Labels: back of the house, edible brooklyn, edible manhattan, james beard house, michael harlan turkell, photo show, whole foods union square
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