Thursday, February 23, 2006

GASTRONOMICA: Take a look at pp 79-83 of the current Winter 2006 issue of GASTRONOMICA, a highly regarded food and culture journal. They printed the "Back of the House" series, a project of mine about the lives of chefs and kitchens. Send them an email and show your support. I will accept accolades and criticism as well.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Bird on a Wire", in the Red Hook area of Brooklyn. Sometimes it's that simple.

Monday, February 20, 2006

A graffiti wall dedication to Pope John Paul II, on the NE corner of E Houston and Clinton Street in New York. His email address was You can contact the present Pope (Benedict XVI) at

Friday, February 17, 2006

ORGANIC UMBRELLA: Photographing for a raw foods company in the DUMBO region of Brooklyn, called THE PLANT, which serves an, manufacturing plant, an eatery, and offers cooking classes. It's part of Matthew Kenney's raw food revolution (ORGANIC UMBRELLA), which includes a vegetarian restaurant called HEIRLOOM and BLUE GREEN (organic juice cafes).

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sixpoint Craft Ales, the best beer in Brooklyn.

The Westminster Kennel Club 130th Annual All Breed Dog Show at Madison Square Garden, New York. 165 Breeds and Varieties are judged for America's first and only champions only dog show, with 2622 total participants.

The Westminster Kennel Club 130th Annual All Breed Dog Show at Madison Square Garden, New York, February 13th, 2006. 165 Breeds and Varieties are judged for America's first and only champions only dog show, with 2622 total participants.